


How telehealth works

Most of our doctors can provide telehealth appointments so that you can be seen from a convenient location for you. This can be done over the phone or using a secure video link. This service is great if you live a long way from the clinic or are unable to get in to the clinic for another reason. 


Book an appointment

The Telehealth Process

Organise a Consultation
Organise a Consultation

Contact our reception team to organise a Telehealth appointment if you think that this is the right option for you.

Ensure you have the right equipment
Ensure you have the right equipment

A stable internet connection and good quality webcam and microphone will ensure that the consultation runs smoothly. It's a good idea to test it out before your consultation.

Log in at the right time
Log in at the right time

Log in to 5 mins before your appointment and you will be admitted to a virtual waiting room. The Doctor that you are consulting will let you in to the consultation when they are available. 

Get in touch with us today to find out how we can help you with your injury management, improve your performance or get to the bottom of a health concern